My cast paper fragments eventually dried and when I pulled them I was able to see which were successful and which were not. These are the ones I like. I'll make multiples of these and experiment with different designs as well. Stay with me as I progress with these.Lynne has helped me to figure out how to make all my images clickable so now you can click on each for a full view. Warning: these images are huge! They look better this size.
I am so glad I know you :) These fragments are a thrill to see. When I print a collagraph plate, I sometimes love the impression on the back of the print more than the print itself....Your gentle fragments remind me of this... Hmmm, may have to post some images to show you... Kate, where do they go from here?
taylor...thanks for your kind comment. I think your blue blanket is awesome.
lynne...thanks for your detective work on my behalf. Glad you could enjoy the results as well!
jo...the feeling is mutual! Would love to see the back of your collagraph prints. Where do my fragments go from here? Good question. For now they will be mounted on cards or perhaps framed as small art pieces. Although I'm sure eventually they will be incorporated into something more 3-dimensional. We'll see...
Kate, how fragile and beautiful! If you hold them against the sun, is there light shining through? I could imagine them as a kind of curtain, connected through small metall-rings or something else. And did you ever consider jewellery?
uschi...they are actually quite thick and substantial so I don't know about light shining through but there may be a warm glow :) And I like your curtain idea. I could see them attached with a delicate thread and wafting in a breeze. Do you mean jewellery in general or jewellery with the cast paper pieces? There is jewellery in the plans using silver and copper. Stay tuned...
ww...hmmm. Why not! It's actually quite a simple and low tech process. And it would be fun to see what other people came up with! Great idea. Watch for it in future posts.
I am an artist who creates sculptural objects, combining materials such as paper, thread, beeswax, metal, and natural objects. I also give creativity workshops in Hudson, Quebec. Art vein vessel is a place where I share my work, my creative activities, and the little things that inspire me.
Artists...celebrate your tools! Submit your favourite tool for posting on "tool tuesday." Tell about its history, why you love it, how you use it, what you make with it, and anything else you'd like to share. Click on photo for original post.
i don't know you but your paper is awesome... just thought i'd let you know...
kate, i clicked on each and every one, and they're exquisite. i swear i can feel the texture of the paper in the large version. i LOVE what you do...
I am so glad I know you :)
These fragments are a thrill to see.
When I print a collagraph plate, I sometimes love the impression on the back of the print more than the print itself....Your gentle fragments remind me of this...
Hmmm, may have to post some images to show you...
Kate, where do they go from here?
taylor...thanks for your kind comment. I think your blue blanket is awesome.
lynne...thanks for your detective work on my behalf. Glad you could enjoy the results as well!
jo...the feeling is mutual! Would love to see the back of your collagraph prints. Where do my fragments go from here? Good question. For now they will be mounted on cards or perhaps framed as small art pieces. Although I'm sure eventually they will be incorporated into something more 3-dimensional. We'll see...
wow, wow, wow! Kate, I love these delicate masterpieces so much!
Kate, how fragile and beautiful!
If you hold them against the sun, is there light shining through?
I could imagine them as a kind of curtain, connected through small metall-rings or something else.
And did you ever consider jewellery?
What lovely texture.....I would love to know how you manage to do there a possible tutorial in the future? glad you like them!
uschi...they are actually quite thick and substantial so I don't know about light shining through but there may be a warm glow :) And I like your curtain idea. I could see them attached with a delicate thread and wafting in a breeze. Do you mean jewellery in general or jewellery with the cast paper pieces? There is jewellery in the plans using silver and copper. Stay tuned...
ww...hmmm. Why not! It's actually quite a simple and low tech process. And it would be fun to see what other people came up with! Great idea. Watch for it in future posts.
These are so beautiful. Very ethereal!
I love white on white. and the texture is wonderful.. really glad I could blow them up to get the full effect..
Love this technique of cast paper. Never tried it but always loved the look.
seth...thanks! I like their ethereal-ness too!
gwen...yes, the blow-ups are almost overwhelming. You feel like you will be smothered in paperness!
joy...thanks so much for visiting! At some point when I get my act together, I will do a tutorial on this technique. Watch for it!
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